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Based on the experiments made in our
company`s labs and, on different
categories of patients, including those
suffering from sexual disorders
hypertension, high cholestrol, joint pain,
and accumulated fats, and on women
with some womn diseases; lab and
applied results show that the product has
been proven to be efficient in treating the following cases :




* Burns excess fat
* Enhances the functioning of capillaries in the intestinal walls
* Detoxifies the body and flushes out accumulated wasre and putrefaction  
   caused by poor absorption of food
* Regulates stomach secretions and prevents intestinal ulcer
* Removes accumulated fat, especialy in the abdomen, hips , and thoghs
* Helps the body have a smart figure, and revitalizes the body
* Removes the precipitations in the arterial walls and supports blood circulation
Rheumatoid & Arthritis


* Treats arthritis and cartilage calcification
* Restores sebum and ensures smooth movement
* Treats and prevents pstoprosis and gout
* Treats rheumatoid, as well as joint and muscle pain
* Controls the level of blood in urine to restore the body vitality and vigor



Erectile dysfunction ( ED )


* Supports sexual excitement, especially at old age
* Is helpful for poor erection and promotes sexual satisfaction
* Prolonge intercourse and slows down quick ejaculation
* Is effective for poor ejaculation of immature sperms
* Promotes fertility and enhances the quality and number of sperms
* Prevents fatigue, strengthens the body, and enhances blood circulation
* Is rich in proteins, amino acid, and vitamins
* Promotes the memory, as well as mental and intellectual activity





* Reduces hypertension and controls heart rate
* Revializes the heart and improves the energy and speed of contraction
* Supplies the cardiac muscle with oxygen and energy
* Prevents angina pectoris


High Cholestrol


* Reduce fat and high blood colestrol
* Stimulates the elemination of fat from arterial walls
* Reduces bad cholestrol and increases good cholestrol
* Is very effective in dissolving fatty precipitations on arterial walls


Colitis & Constipation


* Strengthens intestnal capillaries responsible for the healthy absorption of blood
* Eases defecation, thus creating a comfortable sensation while preventing diarrhea
* Flushes out rotten waste and bacteria safely and securely
* Eliminates colitis and cleanes the colonic membrane
* Removes intestinal inpaction, intestinal gases, and bloating
* Regulates the secretions of the stomach and intestines to promote digestion


Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI)


* Is helpful for treatment and alleviaion of prostate enlargement
* Heals lower backacke resulting from inflammation
* Regulates urination and eases urine flow
* Kills the bacteria usually sticking to the external urinary meatus
* Helps the body flush out toxic waste through urine
* Cleans urinary tract walls from precipitations stimulating inflammations
* Breaks up kidney stones painlessly


Amenorrhoea & Gen


* Promotes Womens fertility and delays menopauses
* Regulates the menstrual cycle and reduces menstrual cramps
* Treats uterus fibrosis and enhances ovulation
* Supports womens immune systems and prevents bacterial infection
* Promotes womens sexual ability , especially after the age of 40
* Increases blood flow to the vagina and clitoris to stop sensitivity
* Reduces breast tenderness and at the same time enlarges breats


Contraindications :


Since the concentration of the active ingredient is very high it may negatively affect patients suffering from angina pectoris or having undergone an open heart surgery,diabetic and people above 65 . it is not recommended also for pregnant ad feeding women, and childrens


Usage For Women :


Add half a sachets ( 5 g ) to a glass of cold or hot water ( 200 ml ) very 5 days once after lunch or dinner. Keep the other half in the fridge till the following dosage


Usage for men :


Add one sachet ( 10 g ) to one glass of cold water ( 200 ml ), and consume every 5 days once, after lunch or dinner.
The contents of the sachetmay be administered every 5 days once without being added to water



Package :


Each packaging contains 12 sachets to be used for 60 days by men and 120 days by women. The prescribed dosage should be committe to.




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