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Royal Slim Caps
​Slimming & Anti Oxidant

Royal Slim is an superlative combination of ten herbs which act collectively to give slender body with enhanced immune system. Royal slim capsule hold back excessive appetite for food and removes excess fat from the adipose tissues from the areas which are more prone to fat deposition like around face, neck, waist, abdomen, buttocks & legs and that too without rebound or fluids loss.
Royal Slim also improves blood circulation & nourish the body tissues. The theme of Royal Slim is to give you with the desired shape within a short time without the effort of tiresome exercises. Royal Slim is a blend of herbs which regulate the body metabolism and various biological activities to reduce fat deposition and improve immune system. It is very useful in controlling Obesity, Hyperlipidemia and Craving for sugar.
Royal Slim improves body systems to maintain its biological activities, metabolic activities and hormonal balance. It improves metabolic functions, basal metabolic rate, reduces appetite, reduces fat, converts of glucose to glycogens, stimulates CNS, provides various minerals to body including Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Zinc etc.
Product Features
Royal slim Increases body cell metabolism which breaks fat into its metabolites.
It Inhibits synthesis of fat from sugars and converts sugars to glycogen.
This combination suppresses the appetite and provides nourishment to body.
Lowers the harmful cholesterol LDL by improving High Density Lipids (HDL)/Low Density Lipids LDL ratio and helps in keeping it under ideal value.
Supports internal immune system.
A valuable combination which supports the body’s defense system against various diseases and stress.
Royal slim improves blood circulation and immune system.
This combination provides nourishment to the body tissues specially to joint fluids, bones, cartilage and muscles.
It acts as prophylactic and retroactive tonic which enhances physical and mental performance.

Royal Slim Capsule Contains:

Folium gynostemma pertaphyllum                          60 mg​
Folium cammelia sinensis                                       40 mg​
Radix auklandia lappa                                             35 mg​

Radix codonopsis pilosula                                      35 mg
Radix glycyrhiza uralensis                                      35 mg
Fructus amomum villosum                                      35 mg
Fructus crataegus pinnatifida                                 35 mg
Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae                     35 mg

Pericarpium citrus reticulate                                   35 mg

Poria cocos                                                             35 mg
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